Top 10 Pokemon Romhacks

Hey everyone and welcome back to Joey’s Retro Handhelds. I’m Joey and today I want to do a fun one, I want to share my favorite romhacks for Pokemon on the Miyoo Mini Plus

You want Pokemon games for your Miyoo Mini Plus, and I have them here. There’s so many out there, I could do a top 50 list and you probably wont even agree with the top 10 that I have. So just keep in mind there’s so many out there and there’s a lot of really good ones that won’t even be shown today.  I’ll share which original Pokemon game it uses as a base, as well as include in the description where you can get each game and how to patch it. I’ll also point out if any of these games have retro achievements. In case you’re interested.

Light Platinum

This romhack uses Pokemon Ruby and includes a whole new region called Zhery. There’s new leaders, elite four, rivals, Pokemon from Johto, Kanto, Hoen and Sinnoh and a whole bunch more. There’s a cool opening with Arceus being hugged by Giratina, Palkia and Dialga. They’re play fighting. This is a really old romhack, but definitely worth still experiencing. The writing might always be the best, but you do get to meet Ash Ketchum.  

Ultra Violet

This romhack uses Pokemon FireRed and still has the same design and story as the original, but with new changes. You can play through the entire game and catch all of the Pokemon from the first three generations. You can also skip choosing the three starters and catch your own in a safari zone like area. I just like Squirtle, he’s neat.  As an added bonus, this game also has Retro Achievements!

Crystal Clear

You saw the awesome opening fighting Gold’s Mom. This romhack uses Pokemon Crystal and is open world, meaning you can go anywhere and do the story however you want. You can choose your character from red, blue, green, yellow, gold or silver and choose from 24 different starter pokemon. Just don’t choose Magikarp as a starter, it only comes with splash. Oops. There’s 16 gym leaders and two sets of Elite Four, as well as up to 251 pokemon to catch. This is an awesome romhack with tons of replayability. As an added bonus, this game also has Retro Achievements!

Perfect FireRed

This romhack uses Pokemon FireRed and is meant to just be an improvement over FireRed, with the original story. All 251 Pokemon are available, nothing from Hoenn, some changes to make Gym Leaders and your rival stronger. Every Pokemon is available without trading and even some smaller changes, like Mew being available. 

Radical Red

This romhack uses Pokemon FireRed and is a difficulty hack, meant to ramp up to 11. All pokemon up to Generation 8 are obtainable, and same with moves, mega evolutions, raid battles, reusable TM’s and so much more. Squirtle somehow has rapid spin at level 10, which is funny. My team is Squirtle, Meditite, Mareep and Spinarak before the first gym. As an added bonus, this game also has Retro Achievements!


This romhack uses Pokemon FireRed and adds new features like mega evolution, pokemon from gen 6, a new story, new region and more. It takes place in the Orbtus region, and there’s new moves, new abilities, updated sprites and a whole bunch more. Starters are Chimcar, Piplup and Turtwig.


This romhack uses Pokemon Crystal and is in a whole new region called Naljo with new mechanics. There’s 253 pokemon, you can customize your trainer, Larvitar is your starter, you can play as your pokemon, explore other new regions and earn up to 20 badges. As an added bonus, this game also has Retro Achievements!


This romhack uses Pokemon Emerald and is a massive romhack. Choose from five starters in turtwig, chimchar, piplup, shinx and riolu, travel across the regions of Tunod, Johto and Rankor, there’s pokemon from Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos, you can rematch trainers and gym leaders and a whole lot more. This game had retro achievements before for an older version, but doesn’t work on the most recent. 

FireRed Rocket Edition

This romhack uses Pokemon FireRed and in this game, you play as a member of Team Rocket and start off with a super strong Rattata. You can steal Pokemon from trainers, and you follow the story as you would in the original FireRed. There’s side quests and even a reputation system based on if you steal pokemon from people, new mechanics and just an overall extremely fun game to play. This game had retro achievements before for an older version, but doesn’t work on the most recent. 


This romhack uses Pokemon FireRed and is probably the best Pokemon romhack out there. I didn’t have this list in any order, but this is number one. I finished this game a few months ago and then lost my save. This has a custom battle engine with quality of life improvements to catch all pokemon from gen 1 to gen 7. A new HM system so you don’t have to carry Pokemon just to use HM’s, updated graphics, difficulty modes, a mission system with quests, customizations and so much more. If you wanted one game out of this list to start with, this is the one. As an added bonus, this game also has Retro Achievements!

There’s so many more Pokemon romhacks that I could talk about. There’s pokemon ROWE, pokemon crown, dark rising, emerald rogue, and a whole bunch more. But I just thought I’d give you a list of ten to start with, and I’m sure you can find your way to the others. 

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