I’m lost, I read your words but it might as well be Chinese. Can’t I just buy a up to date card from you or someone else? Not lazy,
just stupid. Lol. Thanks Gil
i watched your video about roms and bios ( where to find them) the screen with the different extensions for the system. Are those extentions for a good rom download for a system ? I’ve seen roms with different extentions and they turn out not working.
I’m lost, I read your words but it might as well be Chinese. Can’t I just buy a up to date card from you or someone else? Not lazy,
just stupid. Lol. Thanks Gil
i watched your video about roms and bios ( where to find them) the screen with the different extensions for the system. Are those extentions for a good rom download for a system ? I’ve seen roms with different extentions and they turn out not working.